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GNOME needs YOU (in California)!

GNOME Needs you!

For the previous 4-5 years (I actually forget), I’ve ran the GNOME booth at the most excellent Southern California Linux Expo. Sadly, work circumstances forced me to move from sunny California to the windy city of Chicago, IL. As a result, I’ll be unable to be at Scale11x and rock the dual 30″ monitors for GNOME like we did every year previously. I had a lot of help from Christian Hergert, Jordan Larrigan, Christer Edwards, and various other peeps along the way.

Christian has offered to help man the booth, but it takes more than 1 person to do it properly or drink all of the alcohol (not that Christian ever made a wet bar under the booth at SCALE or anything), but I digress. If you’ll be in the area and would be willing to help please contact me asap!

Categories: Planet GNOME.

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